Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Conquer Your Fears

Recently I was looking at a Lululemon bag and felt like the "Do one thing a day that scares you" part of the mission statement was smirking at me.

Sure, I take risks. You know, like, really small, manageable, calculated risks. Does that not count?

On Monday I showed up at the Sutro Baths, mountain bike in tow, and met up with Alhaji. He doesn't talk much at the start of our sessions and I never know what we're going to do, so I just got my bike ready and waited.

When he was almost done putting on his big full-coverage helmet, ski goggles, and shin guards he looked at me and said "Welcome to conquer your fears day."


We spent the next few hours riding down stairs, crazy steep (in my opinion) hills, and going off of small jumps and the like in Golden Gate park. While my first few descents were not exactly glamorous, I was beyond elated to have faced my fears and actually done it.

There was one hill in particular that I first encountered a month or so ago. I, of course, balked and walked down the stairs beside it. This time I had a feeling that wouldn't be an option.

I stopped short at the top, froze and shook my head silently. He sweetly but firmly chided me from below and I realized I had no choice but to give it a shot.

So I did.

I was on the verge of tears when I made it down, realizing not only that it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be, but also that it feels SO good to actually face your fears and just do it. I've spent most of my life finding ways to get out of facing my fears. Holy crap.  He nodded his head and said "Can I have a hug now?"

After that I started getting comfortable. Instead of cussing all the way down the hills, I replaced my profanity with a new mantra: "I am comfortable. I am confidant. I'm a badass!"

Several hours and only one small fall later I went home with a new sense of accomplishment and courage that I now want to seek out on a more regular basis.

In fact, I sought it out again today. My brand new road bike shoes have been sitting, patiently, on my floor since I bought them a week ago. I was absolutely dreading the first attempt at using them and found reason after reason to delay the inevitable. So, today I bit the bullet and strapped them on.

After practicing clipping in and out for 10 minutes in the privacy of my alleyway, I took a deep breath and went out to the sidewalk. Clipped in one foot. Pushed off. Clipped in the other foot and.... voilĂ ! Smooth sailing.

Turns out it was not nearly as hard as I had anticipated. In fact, it wasn't hard at all. So, I rode down to the warming hut and back to make sure I felt comfortable and, I dare say, I think I'm ready to start my new life as a cyclist.

Nike really hit the nail on the head. Just do it.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Sandra! Just discovered your blog and of course it rocks. I thought the same thing about that Lululemon bag just after our week at the ranch. While you face new scary things head on (I so admire you more), I somehow was satisfied knowing that we did about 10 scary things EACH DAY for 7 days straight at PSI7 :) Somehow I think I'm all good for the next month or so, lol!
